I am so enjoying this device. It packs a powerful punch in my skincare regimen. It is so easy to use and I like that I can use my skincare products while I do a treatment. Most LED lights don’t have this convenience. I also like that it is easy to pack for travel. My skin glows after every treatment. Christine gives such excellent advice so you know how often to use this little gem. Thank you Christine for keeping me informed on the best way to care for my skin. I am enjoying my results from using this!
I love this device. I have been using it for several months and have seen great results focusing on the face. Just a few days ago I decided to try it on a rough spot on the top of my foot with amazing results. After just two, 3 minute treatments and the roughness is gone and the skin is soft again. Not sure why it took me so long to think of using it on the dry spot. Produces true results, a good size, and portable device.
I have used the Glow Younger LED for four years. I find consistent use and varying the settings and times brings out a soft inner glow in my cheeks.
I purchased this device a few years ago here and it was my 1st foray into red light therapy. I have since purchased a full body panel, a mask, a blue light device etc. This hand held version is still a favorite for targeted treatments and it’s great for travel. A real quality product and still works like a charm.
I love this light, I can see a difference in my neck and the cheeks of my face. I know that you have never spoken about swollen glands but sometimes when I'm not feeling well, I'm fighting something. I will put this lovely little light right directly onto the sides of my neck (glands ) I start to feel better from the warmth. Thank you for having this product available at such a reasonable cost.