Are You "Inflammaging" Your Skin?

Are You "Inflammaging" Your Skin?

What you don’t know CAN hurt you! Did you know high powered lasers, deep peels, IPL, and Retinoids (used incorrectly) and other aggressive skin treatments can cause skin inflammaging? This means they can actually AGE the skin MORE in the long run than other treatments.

The term inflammaging is changing the face of skincare. Inflammaging describes skin aging induced by chronic (persistent) inflammation. An example of inflammaging is using products such as Retinoids daily that cause long term inflammation on the skin. After years of use, some Retinoid users start to see diminishing results and lackluster alligator looking skin. That's why it's important to choose a gentle retinol.

Other harsh, invasive treatments such as high powered lasers at the dermatologist’s office (IPL, Yag, Erbium, etc.) can also cause a hardening or scarring of the skin. This is so prevalent that many plastic surgeons refuse to work on clients who have had previous repeated laser treatments. These surgeons know a face-lift would not “lay properly” because the skin is hardened or scarred due to inflammaging from the repeated laser work. I’m not anti-laser but the key to laser is to do as little as possible. More isn’t always better.

So what can you do to reverse inflammaged skin?

First of all, your esthetician should be using little to no downtime treatments that your skin loves. How do you know if your skin loves a treatment? It responds in a favorable manner. It’s smoother, softer, more supple and has a glow.

Products should contain ingredients the skin recognizes as opposed to harsh chemicals. A gently coaxing of the skin into a healthier state through non-ablative (non-cutting or damaging) modalities such as microcurrent, LED light, Low-Frequency Ultrasound, and other progressive rather than aggressive treatments. Using professional products full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients to feed and heal your skin. When you walk out of your esthetician’s office, your skin should look better than it did when you walked in. If it doesn’t, change your esthetician.

I recommend starting with NeoGenesis Recovery every day and night on clean skin to repair damage. Apply NeoGenesis Recovery on before you put anything else on your clean skin. Give a minute or two to absorb.

Next, good products for healing inflammaged skin is Caviplla. It contain poly-l-lactic-acid (PLLA). PLLA has been used in the form of liquid band-aids for more than 30 years in surgery. The formula in Caviplla is effective for RESTORING skin volume. So Caviplla are natural treatments for skin rejuvenation.

Caviplla can be used as a sleeping mask (applied on clean skin at night after Recovery). Caviplla has an oxygenating formula that penetrates deep into the skin through the hair follicles. After Caviplla is applied, a light spray of Pilleo Stem Cell Mist will boost the amount of poly-l-lactic-acid and boosts the healing of your skin.

Be patient. Your skin didn’t get in damaged condition overnight and it won’t heal overnight. Allow a 4 weeks of consistent use to see the deep lines soften and softer, smoother skin.


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